If you take a moment to look back to what you were doing around the 3rd week in February this year, where were you? Well, I had the pleasure of sitting down with neighbor Sally Holloway to learn a little bit about her life her in the Lower Chautauqua neighborhood. She’s lived in two homes on lower Bluebell Avenue for about the last 66 years where she raised 3 children with her husband John JP Holloway. The words Covid, pandemic and social distancing were not in your conversation, I’ll bet. It was still wintery and the air was cool and finches were nibbling on seeds at the bird feeder on the opposite side of the window from Sally’s living room chair, from which she shared her stories of her life here. Sally is a very kind person. A smart woman and a wonderful wife and mother. Please join me as we learn more about Sally Holloway, 94, in a question and answer format for you On the Corner readers.