“Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST.” ― Frank Zappa
Boulder County Buzz - April 2020
What a difference a month makes! As I’m sure you do, I look back fondly at the simple things I did with family and friends whenever we wanted, however we wanted. I wouldn't say I took it all for granted, but maybe kind of? Oh to dine out. Oh to stroll along the bustling Pearl Street Mall. Oh to see live music at the Boulder Theater. Oh to have a haircut. Oh to see a movie in the theater. Oh to have acupressure massage at the Relaxing Station. Oh to fly somewhere warm. Oh to be free. We will get our “stuff" back soon, but in the meantime let's take care of ourselves and our loved ones.
Real estate has been listed an essential service so I’m mostly grinding the same. In fact today I’m negotiating an offer on a listing. However, we are on lockdown till month’s end with no showings or open houses permitted by the powers that be. Properties under contract may be inspected and appraised. Business distancing is also required so we’re closing deals in the parking lots adjacent to title companies. It’s definitely not business as usual but it’s still business. And visit my new featured property listing this month at 2850 Vassar Drive - an amazing architectural home in South Boulder with great views of the Foothills and Flatirons. This is going to be a wonderful home for someone soon!
I haven't been to the RE/MAX office for over a month since we’ve isolated at home. While I continue to work closely with buyers and sellers, I’m also working on marketing and areas of the business that I can make better. But still, my favorite part of the day is writing letters and reaching out to you by phone. If you haven't heard from me yet, you will.
I’m enjoying house and yard projects that had been on eternal delay till now. Trail running continues to keep me sane. The trails are becoming inundated with humans. I love that people are getting out there. Please tune in to From The Trail #41 and learn about my wife Kristin's and my experience with the illness.
In the meantime, remember to thank the essential workers in your life and find ways to support your local businesses that are feeling the burn of being closed. We've got this, friends. I’ll see you on the other side where life will be grand,
Hi friends, I wanted to tell you our story of dealing with the CV19 and that we survived and made it through a nasty bout with so many awful symptoms for almost 2 weeks and that Kristin and I are on the other side and feel 100%. And out kids never got sick thankfully. Please call us if you have questions or concerns or if you need anything at all. And remember to please thank your health care provider and local restaurants and retailers and check in with your parents obviously and make sure they're tucked in and safe. Love to all, HATCH
This message went viral in Italy last week... let's follow suit? “We come to understand that this is a struggle against our habits and not against a virus. This is an opportunity to turn an emergency into an opportunity of solidarity and unity. Let's change the way we see and think. I will no longer say "I'm afraid of this contagion" or "I don't care about this contagion", but it is I who will sacrifice for you. I worry about you. I keep a distance for you. I wash my hands for you. I give up that trip for you. I'm not going to the concert for you. I'm not going to the mall for you. For you! For you who are inside an ICU room. For you who are old and frail, but whose life has value as much as mine. For you who are struggling with cancer and can't fight this too. Please, let's rise to this challenge! Come together...nothing else matters.”
Boulder County Buzz - March 2020
The world is a bit topsy turvy right now, but I hope you, your family, and those you love are staying safe. As Realtors, how are we responding? We are acting with safety measures for our buyers and sellers using precautions like latex gloves, hand sanitizer, avoiding touching anything as homes are shown, keeping distance and encouraging people to stay home if not feeling well. As spring attempts to release winter’s grip, and the real estate market shows a steady march toward full-scale mode, try not to let this coronavirus outbreak dampen your plans or spirits. Remember, real estate is tangible. It's comforting. It’s “home”. Let’s be safe and thoughtful as this virus reminds us how fine life is.
The market is actually still moving along with some vigor. Our office at RE/MAX of Boulder posted data that show some strength in our market over the past week. In fact, 55% of our listings are currently under contract. About 70 agents attended the virtual sales meeting Tuesday to share experiences and review stats. There appears to be a short window where sellers have a good opportunity to take advantage of what's been a strong spring market. This is a rapidly changing situation however, so if you had been thinking about selling or buying let's discuss strategy and what is right for you, very soon. Regardless, would-be sellers, do remember that this will pass, and far more quickly than the great recession. In the meantime, buyers, take advantage of some great loan rates.
Please tune in to Part 40 From the Trail, from the Sanitas trail in Boulder.
And finally, I urge you all to find ways to support your local business who’ve been asked to close. Please go support them by buying online or ordering take out or gift cards from your favorite restaurants. ‘Cause we’re all in the together!
Boulder County Buzz - February 2020
It's February and love has been buzzing in the air here in Boulder County. I picked a bad week to stop eating Ghirardelli chocolate and Dunkin’ Donuts, but I’ll be fine this Valentine's season.
The market here in BoCo has come in with some fizz and pop. My phone is ringing and the email inbox notification bleep is constant - it’s that time of year. Tried and true, just after the Super Bowl each year, activity starts to buzz and the market works its way into the usual springtime frenzy, and we still have a month of winter. But I'll take it. I’m ready. Bring it on!
Meanwhile, read about the ups and downs in the national housing market in an article from The Denver Post. Also, 5280 Magazine gives a breakdown of how monthly expenses in 2019 could look for you. And The Daily Camera debates whether or not the land sale by Shining Mountain Waldorf School should be used for affordable housing in Boulder.
Let's connect soon to discuss your real estate goals for 2019. And don’t forget I’m never too busy for your referrals.
OMG #31?? YEP! Please tune in to Part 31 From the Trail to hear what old and new friends share what they’re grateful for - it’s awesome!
This month I’m featuring another non-profit program, The Water Wheel foundation, which mainly uses live music events, like the Phish from Vermont, to fundraise for local, non-profit organizations from a large sphere of needs including social services, primarily those benefitting women and children; environmental, with a focus on clean water and land conservation with public access; as well as food banks and urban gardening for example. Please see how important this program is and consider giving today!
Thank you for your business and thank you for tuning in,
Come with me and my friend Julie Poppen to Scott Carpenter Park in Boulder, CO to re-discover the Snurfer that her dad Sherman R Poppen invented in 1965!
*SNOW SURFING SINCE 1965 Christmas Day, 1965. The presents were unwrapped, the carols were sung, and Sherman Poppen’s two daughters were getting restless. In a stroke of genius, he took two kids’ skis and bound them together, then gave the surfboard-like contraption to his girls to try. Next thing he knew, they were standing on the board, zooming down the snowy hills near their Muskegon, Michigan, home. Soon, Sherman was tinkering with the design, coming up with a single-piece board that was shorter and wider than a traditional ski and equipped with a rope for steering. The neighborhood kids clamored for the amazingly fun new invention and, in 1966, Sherman patented his idea as a “Surf-Type Snow Ski.” His wife suggested combining the words “snow” and “surfer” and the iconic Snurfer was born.
On the Corner Vol. 13 Issue 4
Racing uphill to his to his family’s home at 16th and Mariposa, with a beat up, second-hand banjo under his arm, Chuck Ogsbury was beaming with joy. Out of breath, he rolled open the garage door, laid the banjo down on a workbench and with eyes wide open he brushed his open hand over its broken strings. He smiled.
Boulder County Buzz - January 2020
Goodbye 2019 and hello 2020!! I prefer even years anyway and I think if I were to look back, the even years in my life win. Do you remember where you were 20 years ago for Y2K? I was at the Hotel Boulderado, in Boulder, trying to capture what would ultimately not be a mayhem moment. The Daily Camera newspaper headline the next morning read, “ALL POP, NO FIZZ.” It was okay that crashing computers and an end to world functionality as we know it came and went with much ado about nothing.
Boulder County Buzz - December 2019
It’s December! It feels nice to welcome winter here already in Boulder County. And with the holiday season in full swing and the New Year fast approaching, it’s a good time for me to reflect on the last 12 months. The year 2019 has been a wonderful year for me, my family and my business. It’s time to take stock of 2019 results and make 2020 even better.
“On June 30, 2016, I was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive tumor on my brain stem. "Without surgery," my doctor said, “You have less than five months to live.” With multiple, complicated surgeries, I could recover fully in time. But there were big risks. After two massive craniotomies, a neck fusion, and months of daily, proton-beam radiation therapy, the tumor is inactive and I am thriving.”
-Susie Rinehart, writer, ultrarunner, activist and mom from Boulder, Colorado
Boulder County Buzz - November 2019
Snow and Holiday Shopping in Boulder County!
With cold temps and early season snow, it feels like we had a pretty short autumn season. It’s about time to hang up the fly rods and take the winter gear out of the attic. And now the holidays are upon us. I wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving Holiday.
Boulder County Buzz - October 2019
Autumn Has Arrived in Boulder County!
The autumn season has arrived with nippy nights and shorter days. We had a brilliant fall foliage display that was almost cut short by the season’s first snow and freezing temperatures. I witnessed the most stunning color in late September at the annual Aspen Golden Leaf Half Marathon where the aspen tree leaves along the Government Trail were at the peak of their bright yellow beauty. We've also been able to drop the dory into the river a few times this fall and the fishing has been amazing. It really is a spectacular time of year to live in COLORado.
What are you grateful for? Is it peeling away life's vicissitudes with friends? Well, from the Rio Nunya in Northern Colorado, I crashed Lynner, Seth and Mike and Mimi's outdoor adventure and came away with FTT Gold, I think. Please watch and I hope you enjoy! Love, HATCH
Boulder County Buzz - September 2019
Fall is just a few short days away, and we're enjoying the cooler weather and the glimmer of gold on the aspen trees. Now is the season to get yard work done and winterize your outdoor plants in preparation for winter. But my favorite part of fall is enjoying drinks and s'mores in the cool evenings around a fire on the fore pit with family and friends. Be sure to follow all rules around bonfires this time of year. What's you favorite part of fall in Boulder County? Mine? Chasing my kids, trout and preparing for the Aspen Golden leaf half marathon later this month.
"I guess I'm just an obstacle. A thing to overcome. If I could sneek around myself. Again I'll know I've won. The moment seems to hang and float. Before me with no end, 'till I'm released, awaken beast. I'm on the road again..."
Part 34 FTT! What are you grateful for? 80's music? I like the nightlife baby. And moving in stereo!!
Boulder County Buzz - August 2019
This summer has been awesome! A balance of lots of work and fun trips Montana, Ohio, Maine and Philly to see family and friends and Phish and camping with Krissy and the kids! It’s always such a busy time, with so many festivals and events. And there's never an end to fun things to do in Boulder County! As summer starts to wind down, with kids going back to school, and pool season coming to an end... we're so close to enjoying the cool relief of fall and an end-of-summer party at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City. I hope you've made lots of great summer memories in 2019 with your friends and family. I can't wait for a beautiful fall that's coming up fast!
"The #33 is a vibration of number 3 that appears twice and enhances its significance and influence. Number 3 indicates an increase, expansion, spontaneity, encouragement, broad-minded thinking, skills and talent, communication and self-expression, assistance, and manifestation. Angel number 33 shows the energies of blessings, companion, honesty, inspiration, courage, bravery, and discipline and symbolizes guidance..."